My name is Morgan... And there aren’t enough words for all that I am.
When King Uther Pendragon murders her father and tricks her mother into marriage, Morgan refuses to be crushed. Trapped amid the machinations of men in a world of isolated castles and gossiping courts, she discovers secret powers. Vengeful and brilliant, it's not long before Morgan becomes a worthy adversary to Merlin, influential sorcerer to the king. But fighting for her freedom, she risks losing everything – her reputation, her loved ones and her life.
'Beautifully written... with fabulous, nuanced characters!' Elodie Harper, bestselling author of The Wolf Den trilogy
'Evocative, haunting and utterly addictive, this is a book to lose yourself in.' Tracy Borman, author of The King's Witch
'Keetch’s Morgan does not disappoint… Literally fire and a perfect harbinger of the woman Morgan is destined to become!’ Stacey Thomas, author of The Revels
'Compelling and poignant, Sophie Keetch’s prose is as mesmerizing as the ocean’s tides... A stunning delight.' Rebecca Ross, author of A River Enchanted
‘A very real, passionate retelling of Morgan’s story, with detail about political and magical lives, and the women who are such a vital part of the tale.’ Tamora Pierce, author of the Protector of the Small Quartet
'Turning the legends on their heads, Keetch finds new potential in them.' Sunday Times
'A powerful reimagining of the origins of Morgan le Fay, infusing the familiar tales of Arthurian legend with a fresh voice, profoundly human characters, and an atmosphere both wistful and deliciously ominous.' H.M. Long, author of Hall of Smoke
Str. Arh. Ion Mincu 17
Sector 1, Bucuresti
Mon-Fri 10:00-18:00
Saturday 09:30-13:00