Join four junior sleuths on their daring detective journeys deciphering codes, navigating maps and solving mazes to catch the dastardly culprits of fiendish crimes - and earn your own Murdle Junior badge.
Race to the top echelons of a prestigious school to unravel The Case of the Missing Pencil, explore the secret passageways beneath The Mysterious Investigation Institute and uncover the secrets of The Deadly Silent Spy Organization that links them all. And more!
With over thirty mysteries featuring key suspects, locations, clues and more to enter into your trusty deduction grid, Murdle Junior: Curious Crimes for Curious Minds is an introduction to a nefarious world kids will love to dive into, using logic and the power of deduction to figure out each whodunnit.
Str. Arh. Ion Mincu 17
Sector 1, Bucuresti
Mon-Fri 10:00-18:00
Saturday 09:30-13:00