Peppa Pig has become much more than a TV star and has found a permanent place in the hearts of toddlers everywhere. Come join Peppa and all her friends as they explore and play in this collection of ten fantastic picture books!
Peppa Pig: Babysitting
Peppa Pig: Bubbles
Peppa Pig: Foggy Day
Peppa Pig: George’s Birthday
Peppa Pig: George’s Friend
Peppa Pig: Grandpa Pig’s Boat
Peppa Pig: Granny and Grandpa Pig's Attic
Peppa Pig: Pedro’s Cough
Peppa Pig: Peppa and Suzy's Argument
Peppa Pig: Grandpa Pig's Little Train
Str. Arh. Ion Mincu 17
Sector 1, Bucuresti
Mon-Fri 10:00-18:00
Saturday 09:30-13:00